What others are saying about watchdog journalism:
Nieman Watchdog: Alex Byers blogs about DocumentCloud, a joint project by the New York Times and ProPublica. Users will be able to upload a treasure trove of documents that can be searched in creative ways by the public. “We want to take all these documents that all these organizations are collecting and acquiring via FOIA, and we would like to make them easier for people to find, easier for people to share, easier to search.” The project is funded by a $700,000 grant from the Knight Foundation.
Reuters UK: Interesting opinion piece by John Kampfner about how Britain’s ultra-strict libel laws are inhibiting solid investigative reporting.
Related: How to get in touch with a journalist in Texas
Talking Points Memo getting bigger: New York Times looks at Talking Points Memo’s ambitious plan to grow from 11 to 60 employees. The watchdog blog made “crowdsourcing” a household word when it uncovered, with the help of its readers, the U.S. Attorney scandal during the Bush Administration.