How shoe-leather reporting uncovered a bizarre bankruptcy tied to Senator Carlos Uresti

Patrick Danner story about Carlos Uresti

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”680″ height=”450″ iframe=”true” /] Earlier this year, Express-News business writer Patrick Danner set out to write a story about the rising number of oil and gas companies going bust in South Texas. What he found instead was a bizarre saga about a bankrupt company accused of fraud and its hidden ties to …

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Local officials try closing loophole in San Antonio’s tree ordinance

Last week, state Rep. Mike Villarreal, D-San Antonio, and Mayor Phil Hardberger announced an effort to fix a city ordinance that was meant to protect San Antonio’s diminishing tree canopy from urban sprawl. A loophole in the ordinance allows real estate developers to bulldoze trees for ranching and farming. For those who want to learn …

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La Villita for sale: Can Texas officials talk about closed-door meetings?

La Villita for sale in San Antonio

Express-News Reporter Guillermo Garcia broke a story last week about a confidential city plan to sell La Villita and Market Square. The plan disturbed some city councilmembers, who told Guillermo about a closed-door meeting in which the deal was discussed: Inner-city Councilwoman Mary Alice Cisneros was put on the defensive this week after revelations that …

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Express-News reporter wins prize for environmental reporting about eroding beaches

Receding Coastlines in Texas

Anton Caputo, the environmental reporter for the San Antonio Express-News, won this year’s Risser prize for his series about the impact of climate change in Texas. The $3,000 prize is named after James Risser, a Pulitzer-prize winning journlist who wrote about environmental problems that are unique to the Western United States. Anton wrote about shrinking …

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Welcome to John Tedesco’s journalism blog

John Tedesco, investigative reporter for the San Antonio Express-News

Hi, I’m a guy who works for that ink-covered relic called a “newspaper,” which you probably haven’t bothered to read if you’re my age or younger. That’s too bad. Because as stodgy as newspapers can be, there are days when they live up to their promise and show us what’s really going on in the …

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