Texas watchdog journalism roundup for Oct. 21, 2018

Wage theft on the Texas border

Welcome to the latest installment of the Texas watchdog journalism roundup, a showcase of investigative stories that uncover hidden facts, hold officials accountable and demonstrate why journalism matters.

Trapped between the Rio Grande and border checkpoints, Sandro Garcia Moreno is among thousands of undocumented immigrants being ripped off by unscrupulous employers. The San Antonio Express-News analyzed a database of federal wage-theft investigations and found the Rio Grande Valley is a prolific source of worker complaints. Read more …

Must reads: Texas watchdog journalism roundup for Feb. 25, 2018

Carlos Uresti convicted in criminal fraud case

Welcome to the latest installment of the Texas watchdog journalism roundup, a series showcasing hard-hitting investigative stories in Texas that uncovered hidden facts, held officials accountable and demonstrated why journalism matters. Read more …