Nickel and dimed: Find out which gas stations have faulty pumps that overcharge motorists

If you’ve ever suspected your neighborhood gas station is stiffing you at the pump, you might already know you can file a complaint with the Weights and Measures Program at the Texas Department of Agriculture. The agency’s inspectors verify the accuracy of gas pumps. But which stations rack up the most complaints, flunk the most …

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Print ain’t dead: How an itty bitty news brief sparked dozens of phone calls from readers

The historic Wesley Peacock House near Woodlawn Lake in San Antonio, Texas

With all the talk about print being dead, you’d think no one actually picks up newspapers anymore to read the archaic things. Tell that to Elaine Austin Palmer. Palmer curates the Wesley Peacock House, a historic home built in 1890 near Woodlawn Lake that served as the headquarters of a military academy. Related: Yard sale …

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Check out every insurance claim filed against the city of San Antonio

Advanced Google search results for the city of San Antonio

What happens when you’re hit by a city vehicle and file an insurance claim against San Antonio? Now you can find out by searching a database that tracks every claim filed against the city in the past decade. I stumbled across this story by using Google’s advanced search options. Google lets you search specific websites …

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Attorney General Greg Abbott sues the Texas Highway Patrol Museum in San Antonio

The Texas attorney general’s office announced yesterday that it has sued the Texas Highway Patrol Museum, a nonprofit telemarketing organization based in San Antonio that raises millions of dollars in the name of helping state troopers. I had always been curious about the museum, which is housed in a brick building at St. Mary’s and …

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Impact of the recession: Google map shows Texas food stamp recipients, by neighborhood

One of the golden rules of writing is show, don’t tell. The same holds true for stories based on public data. Check out this cool interactive map by Nolan Hicks and Yang Wang showing food stamp recipients by Zip code for the whole state of Texas.

Texas Highway Patrol Museum raises millions — but spends little money on DPS troopers

Texas Highway Patrol Museum

The Texas Highway Patrol Museum sits on a prime piece of property near downtown San Antonio, across the street from Rosario’s CafĂ© y Cantina. Business is booming at Rosario’s, but not so much at the museum. It usually looks empty every time I drive by or hang out in King William. I’ve been curious what …

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Remembering the Alamo — and the media’s role in its fate

The Alamo, photo by Nan Palmero

Reading Scott Huddleston’s latest update about the turmoil at the Alamo, I wondered how many people remember the roots of the problem and why the state of Texas got involved in the first place. I doubt casual readers know Scott deserves some of the credit for the changes — or the blame, depending on how …

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Two San Antonio Express-News editors abruptly resign

Robert Rivard

There’s nothing quite like Storify to document the craziness of a breaking news story. So here’s a timeline about the departure of Editor Robert Rivard and No. 2 Editor Brett Thacker, who both resigned in the span of two days. Their sudden departure shocked the newsroom. [View the story “Two top editors of the San …

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