Alamo caretakers discuss how to control ‘misinformation’

Express-News Reporter Scott Huddleston, who’s been covering the turmoil within the Daughters of the Republic of Texas, wrote a follow-up story about a discussion to prohibit the nonprofit’s employees from talking to the media — even after the employees no longer work for the group:

Read more: How much did it cost to save the Alamo?

The women who run the Alamo deny that they’re trying to muzzle anyone.

But the Daughters of the Republic of Texas have mulled a plan to deter Alamo employees from talking to the media, even after they’ve moved on.

Patti Atkins, DRT president-general, said the group is trying to stop a flow of “misinformation.”

“We have no intention of putting a gag order on anybody,” Atkins said.

According to minutes of an Aug. 12 meeting, the DRT’s Alamo Committee sent a proposed policy on media access to a lawyer for review. It would require new Alamo employees to acknowledge that when their employment ended, they’d be forbidden from giving interviews or making any “representations of the Alamo.”